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Convent of the Holy Ghost School, Bromham Road, Bedford c 1957.

Convent of the Holy Ghost School, Bromham Road, c 1957..jpg Convent of the Holy Ghost (Bedford)ThumbnailsConvent of the Sacred Heart (Bridge of Earn)Convent of the Holy Ghost (Bedford)ThumbnailsConvent of the Sacred Heart (Bridge of Earn)Convent of the Holy Ghost (Bedford)ThumbnailsConvent of the Sacred Heart (Bridge of Earn)Convent of the Holy Ghost (Bedford)ThumbnailsConvent of the Sacred Heart (Bridge of Earn)Convent of the Holy Ghost (Bedford)ThumbnailsConvent of the Sacred Heart (Bridge of Earn)

Convent of the Holy Ghost School, 112-116 Bromham Road, Bedford c 1957.

Convent of the Holy Ghost (Bedford).jpg



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