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St. Deny's School for Girls (Oxford)

St. Deny's School for Girls (Oxford).jpg St. David's Ursuline Convent School (Brecon)ThumbnailsSt. Thomas of Canterbury C. of E. School (Brentwood)St. David's Ursuline Convent School (Brecon)ThumbnailsSt. Thomas of Canterbury C. of E. School (Brentwood)

St. Deny's School for Girls (Oxford)
Leckford Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire

Badge as depicted in Bunty #113 [12 Mar 1960]

B113 [12 Mar 1960].jpg

The school was originally Known as Holy Trinity Convent School. The Holy Trinity Convent school was founded in 1857 by Mother Marion Hughes, foundress of the Society of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, who also founded the Oxford Industrial school. The school was first housed at no. 10 St. Giles and attended by boys, girls and infants (attendance figures for 1872 were 6 boys, 31 girls and 71 infants). After a financial appeal a new school was built behind the convent in 1876. It became the parochial girls' school of St. Philip and St. James' parish, locally known as St. Denys's. As a 'Middle Class Day School' it was to provide, according to a brochure written around that time , a 'good and sound English Education' with a 'high-principled moral tone' to the daughters of College servants and small tradesmen. Providing for 195 girls in Winchester Road it thus complemented the parochial boys and infants school

The school moved to Navigation Way in 2003.


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