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5.044 Ongar Station (1976)

Scan-130726-0003tif+wm+bdr_1000h.jpg 4.024 Ostend StationThumbnailsBerney Arms Station, Norfolk, at twilight4.024 Ostend StationThumbnailsBerney Arms Station, Norfolk, at twilight4.024 Ostend StationThumbnailsBerney Arms Station, Norfolk, at twilight4.024 Ostend StationThumbnailsBerney Arms Station, Norfolk, at twilight4.024 Ostend StationThumbnailsBerney Arms Station, Norfolk, at twilight4.024 Ostend StationThumbnailsBerney Arms Station, Norfolk, at twilight

Ongar Station in 1976, just before London Underground closed of this branch of the Central line.

The Epping Ongar Railway have since reopened the station and are restoring the station to its former Great Eastern Railway colours.

John Kendrick
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