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Branksea Clay & Pottery Company

JAK_35_Slides_0056_bt_1000.jpg Bradshaw Brook, The Jumbles, near BoltonThumbnailsbreadBradshaw Brook, The Jumbles, near BoltonThumbnailsbreadBradshaw Brook, The Jumbles, near BoltonThumbnailsbreadBradshaw Brook, The Jumbles, near BoltonThumbnailsbreadBradshaw Brook, The Jumbles, near BoltonThumbnailsbread

Branksea Clay & Pottery Company
In 1852 Brownsea was bought by an ex-Indian army officer, Colonel William Waugh and his wife Mary. Believing the existence of high quality china clay (a key ingredient for porcelain manufacture) on the Island, they expected to make their fortune. They constructed a large three-storey pottery on the south shore, complete with engines, a brickworks and a horse-drawn tram to bring clay from the north of the island. The Colonel constructed a village called Maryland for the workers as well as a a neo-Gothic church, St Mary the Virgin. At one time the Branksea Clay & Pottery Company employed more than 200 people with some rowing over from Studland each day. Sadly the clay wasn't suitable for porcelain and the Waughs left the island in 1855 £665,000 in debt.

John Kendrick
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