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Java Sparrow (juvenille)

KS1_0373_EstHDR3_Java Sparrow_bt_1000.jpg EvensongHình nhỏStar FinchEvensongHình nhỏStar FinchEvensongHình nhỏStar FinchEvensongHình nhỏStar FinchEvensongHình nhỏStar FinchEvensongHình nhỏStar Finch

Java Sparrow (juvenille)
Native to Java, Bali and Bawean in Indonesia
This particular bird is a mutation of the species which is why it doesn't display the typical colouration of a Java Sparrow.
The mutation is a natural occurrence and the bird is perfectly healthy.
Sewerby Hall Zoo, Bridlington. (Thanks for clarification as to the bird's identity.)

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John Kendrick
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