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Ilford - Winston Way construction

1982.09 Ilford - Winston Way construction_1200.jpg Icy Road sign only visible from the top of a bus!ThumbnailsIlford - Winston Way developmentIcy Road sign only visible from the top of a bus!ThumbnailsIlford - Winston Way developmentIcy Road sign only visible from the top of a bus!ThumbnailsIlford - Winston Way developmentIcy Road sign only visible from the top of a bus!ThumbnailsIlford - Winston Way developmentIcy Road sign only visible from the top of a bus!ThumbnailsIlford - Winston Way developmentIcy Road sign only visible from the top of a bus!ThumbnailsIlford - Winston Way development

Ilford - Winston Way construction

John Kendrick
Sept 1982