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LBSCR Terrier No.78 Knowle BR No.32678

32678_10040015_1200w.jpg LBSCR 0-4-2 No 214 'Gladstone'ThumbnailsLeaf SpringsLBSCR 0-4-2 No 214 'Gladstone'ThumbnailsLeaf SpringsLBSCR 0-4-2 No 214 'Gladstone'ThumbnailsLeaf SpringsLBSCR 0-4-2 No 214 'Gladstone'ThumbnailsLeaf SpringsLBSCR 0-4-2 No 214 'Gladstone'ThumbnailsLeaf SpringsLBSCR 0-4-2 No 214 'Gladstone'ThumbnailsLeaf Springs

LBSCR Terrier No.78 Knowle BR No.32678 at Pickering in October 2003

The loco visited the NYMR from the Kent & East Sussex Railway as part of a reciprocal trip in October 2003. No.29 Lambton tank, heading south. This locomotive was built in 1880 as number 78 Knowle and had locomotive had travelled nearly a million miles by 1923 when it came under the newly formed Southern railway. In the 1930’s it ran on the Isle of Wight railway as number 14 Bembridge until it returned in 1936 as number 2678 and worked the Hayling Island Branch until 1940 when it transferred to the Kent & East Sussex Railway on a long term loan. BR renumbered the loco in 1948 as 32678 and transferred back to the Hayling Island branch line until it was withdrawn in 1964. It was sold to Butlins and became an exhibit in the children’s playground at Minehead. The loco went for restoration in 1975.