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St Michael's and All Angels, Somerton

1995d_Koda-Gold-100-4-037 St Michael's and All Angels in Somerton, Somerset 1200.jpg St. Margaret's Old Church, Harwood Dale. InteriorHình nhỏ14a Ranworth Church SilhouetteSt. Margaret's Old Church, Harwood Dale. InteriorHình nhỏ14a Ranworth Church SilhouetteSt. Margaret's Old Church, Harwood Dale. InteriorHình nhỏ14a Ranworth Church SilhouetteSt. Margaret's Old Church, Harwood Dale. InteriorHình nhỏ14a Ranworth Church SilhouetteSt. Margaret's Old Church, Harwood Dale. InteriorHình nhỏ14a Ranworth Church SilhouetteSt. Margaret's Old Church, Harwood Dale. InteriorHình nhỏ14a Ranworth Church Silhouette

St Michael's and All Angels Church, Somerton, Somerset.

Tác giả
John Kendrick
Created on
May 1995
View on OpenStreetMap
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