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Ebberston - Charles, Charles & Doris Vasey graves

Scarb-June97-28 Ebberston - Charles & Doris Vasey graves_1000w.jpg Eastern Counties Coach and Bauxite No. 2ThumbnailsEbberston - Dickinson Walter & Mary Vasey gravesEastern Counties Coach and Bauxite No. 2ThumbnailsEbberston - Dickinson Walter & Mary Vasey gravesEastern Counties Coach and Bauxite No. 2ThumbnailsEbberston - Dickinson Walter & Mary Vasey gravesEastern Counties Coach and Bauxite No. 2ThumbnailsEbberston - Dickinson Walter & Mary Vasey gravesEastern Counties Coach and Bauxite No. 2ThumbnailsEbberston - Dickinson Walter & Mary Vasey graves

Ebberston graves:
Charles Neville Vasey 17-8-1985 aged 53
Charles Vasey 11-6-1963 aged 60
Doris Vasey 3-6-1993 aged 84

John Kendrick
Created on
June 1997
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